Digital (Marketing) Transformation Starts Here
You need to build a Marketing Machine.
Machines are taking the place of humans – more quickly than a lot of us realize. Look around. You see it in industries everywhere. The momentum is advancing at a rapid pace. Nowhere is this truer than in the world of marketing. Machines are more efficient and productive than people and can therefore make businesses more money (when designed and operated properly, that is). It’s still possible to get to the front of the pack.
Ready to Get Started?
You have a website. You send emails. Your social media pages are set up. But do you have a well-oiled Marketing Machine? In order for digital transformation to occur, you need a clean and segmented customer database. An integrated digital marketing infrastructure that automates the management of campaigns. A solid content strategy. Many companies have invested in digital marketing tools. They have individual parts, but they don’t have a fully functional marketing machine.
Not sure where to begin? We can help.
We’ve outlined a 10-step process to building a Marketing Machine which can be accomplished in as little as 180 days and produce positive ROI in year 1.
Preview Step 1 below or click to request the full guide.
How can I build a marketing machine? Preview Step 1
The first step toward reaching any goal is to assess where you are and what needs to be done to get you where you want to go.
Download the Full Guide
The complete 10-step process will provide you with the resources to evaluate your situation and your needs. Plus, it provides advice on how to plan and build your machine.
Additional steps
Take the Stirvey
To help you assess where your company is, STIR offers an online survey. Upon request, we will provide an interpretation of your results that will help you manage or develop your marketing team.
Click here to take the survey.
Schedule a workshop or speaking engagement
Book Brian Bennett to take your team through the process either in a one-hour presentation or a three-hour interactive workshop. Email to get started.
View Brian’s speaker profile.